Quick Facts:
- You will most likely need a student visa to study in Spain for longer than 90 days!
- The closest consulate is in Houston, Texas.
- You should always check the Houston Spanish Consulate for the most up-to-date information on securing your study visa.
- The Spanish Consulate often allows for batch visa processing, so you may have the opportunity to submit your visa application through UNM.
- A group visa submission can prevent students from having to travel to make an individual appointment with the Consulate.
- The current student visa fee is 160 USD (subject to change: last updated October 2022).
- You should have your passport before you apply to a study abroad program in Spain to ensure the timely processing of your visa.
- Be sure to attend our Spanish Visa Workshop the semester before you go abroad to learn more about the process!
Please note: visa information is subject to change. It is the responsibility of the individual to research and procure a visa. GEO strives to provide the most accurate information, but please review the consular website for the most up-to-date processes.